Family Law

At DEGAL we know the importance of family law implications for our clients. We prioritize personal relationships without overlooking the financial aspects. Our firm has…

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Asesoría Contractual

Contracts Law

DEGAL helps its clients in all type of contractual relationships. Our services include drafting and review of agreements of all types, such as lease agreements,…

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Estate Planning

Degal advises its clients in estate planning, as well as in family business successions. We strive to suggest tax efficiency without understating the importance of…

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Corporate Law

Our experience in corporate and tax consulting allows us to advise on and determine the appropriate corporate vehicles or structures required by our clients to…

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Tax Planning

DEGAL advises its clients on the tax implications of specific projects such as, corporate reorganizations, acquisition of shares and assets, mergers, splits, share sales, capital…

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Criminal Law

Our firm has participated in different stages of the criminal procedures related with criminal activity. Our services include the preparation or handling of suits when…

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Tax and Administrative Law Litigation

Our services include the handling and direct representation of our firm in filings, trials and procedures before tax authorities, as well as administrative procedures, agreements…

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